Wednesday, 24 January 2007

More news

24th January 2007

Well, things are moving along! It seems that this is now reality and everything we now do or think about is geared towards moving the project forwards.

I have been in contact with the Yurt supplier, Tim Scarlett, and have let him know our requirements, he’s preparing an invoice for us so that we can sort out our order in time to have the yurt delivered by October of this year. If we move over to Ireland before then, we’ll use our HUGE tent until we can get the yurt sited. We’re also looking into the possibility of shipping our things over and keeping them in the container on site until the house is finished. The cost and logistics may be prohibitive though, and if we get the piece of land we hope for, we’d need to make up a road to access the site, so we may not be able to get the container onto the land! All things to look into, and on the ‘to do’ list.

This morning I had a very useful chat with Simon Dale, the builder of the ‘Hobbit House’ that set us on our journey. He was very supportive and enthusiastic about the project, which only served to fuel our enthusiasm even more. He and his family are happily living in their house and all is going well. Simon had some very good advice for us, and also recommended some books that will be of help. In addition, we’ve been invited to visit the house and meet Simon and his family, and to see the house ‘in the flesh’. We’ll be able to discuss all the boring bits like drainage and electrics etc.

Simon also has access to people who will be able to physically help with the build, such as woofers, and he has also said that he will come and have a look at our project when he can as well, and offer any help and support he is able to. This means a great deal to us, to have first hand knowledge from someone who has done it will be invaluable. Simons’ enthusiasm will also be of great help in keeping our enthusiasm going, and to know that so many people are behind us means that we feel more and more, that the dream is no longer a dream, but reality in the making. Who says manifesting doesn’t work? Best bit of cosmic ordering I’ve done for a long time!


Unknown said...

hi - are there any Planning issues with what you're planning to do? It looks fantastic.


Wren said...

Hi Danny, We don't know yet, is the answer, we plan to buy land that has had a house on it so will already be residential, and as Ireland are a very Green government, up for all things eco, we're HOPING that a low impact, eco home will be fine. The land we hope to buy has no neighbours for miles to object,so We'll see!

Wren said...
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